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Guiding You Through a Clear Process to Build Your Personal Wealth Plan

Find your freedom.

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Personalized Financial Planning & Wealth Management

Serving Detroit & Beyond 

At VERITY Wealth Partners, we work with individuals and families to purposefully structure their financial pictures. So what exactly does that mean? It means not only planning around your responsibilities and lifestyle needs, but nurturing the things that make your life meaningful.

Working one-on-one with you, we’ll create a custom roadmap  to grow and preserve your wealth—while accelerating your path to a financially independent lifestyle.

We Believe in

Approaching Your Finances with Curiosity, Care and Commitment

Through our partnership, you can look forward to experiencing…

Expertise from a CFP® Professional

As a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ PROFESSIONAL, lead advisor Will Hullinger meets the highest standard of financial planning education, training and ethics.

Commission-Free, Fiduciary Services

Our fees are straightforward, and we don’t earn commissions on the advice we provide. In fact, our recommendations are legally required to be in your best interest.

A Life-Centered Perspective

Learning your story and what matters to you is at the core of our process. In this way, we craft personalized strategies tailored to your situation and what you aspire to achieve.

As a Team, We’re Focused on the Details that Set You and Your Life Apart

Get to Know Your Advocates

Will Hullinger, CFP® Photo Will Hullinger, CFP® Hover Photo

Will Hullinger, CFP®

Lead Advisor
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Will Hullinger

Will Hullinger, CFP®

Lead Advisor

I work with individuals, couples, and families to create confidence and peace of mind in their financial lives through strategic planning. I consider it both a privilege and rare opportunity to know my clients on such a personal level—and witness as they live out their deepest values and aspirations. 

My journey in the financial industry began at Anderson University, where I majored in finance and minored in information technology (and played soccer). After school, before fully launching into finance, I held various roles, including network administration in D.C., church planting in AZ, and business valuation and litigation support in Detroit. These all served as informative experiences that eventually led me to my career today. 

I transitioned into financial services at a Detroit-area hedge fund, where I wore several hats as controller, COO, and compliance liaison. After this, I served as a chief operating officer at another registered investment advisor serving ultra-high-net-worth families and institutions. Before starting Verity Wealth Partners, I was an advisor at a Detroit-Metro registered investment advisory firm for four years. I left in early 2020, fueled by a desire to spend more time with my family, engage clients on a deeper level, and make a greater impact in the city of Detroit. Starting Verity during a worldwide pandemic is my most significant professional achievement and challenge in life. 

I was born and raised in a small town in Southwestern Michigan as the youngest of 2 children. I made my way to Detroit by way of Indianapolis, Washington D.C, and finally Tucson, AZ. I met my wife, Jen, at the University of Michigan, where I attended before transferring to Anderson University.

In 2013, Jen and I moved from the suburbs to the city of Detroit. We now attempt to maintain the peace in our home and keep our sanity while raising our four (mainly adorable) children, Scarlet, Eli, Emmeline and Marcus. When I’m not working, I exercise regularly, golf occasionally, BBQ and smoke meat, and savor quiet evenings sipping scotch. 



Community Involvement:

  • 100 Businesses Who Care
  • Endowment Committee for the American Baptist Churches of Michigan
  • Committee Chair for YoungLife Detroit
  • The Ark Detroit
  • Detroit Golf Club

Interested in Working Together?

In a brief conversation, I look forward to learning about you and sharing more about how I can help. 

Schedule Time to Talk

Geri Gaskell  Photo Geri Gaskell  Hover Photo

Geri Gaskell

Director of Client Service
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Geri Gaskell

Geri Gaskell

Director of Client Service

Connecting and gathering people is an inherent gift that I have. It has allowed me to cultivate and maintain many meaningful relationships with people I meet and the clients I work with, and I find it a privilege to have a position with Verity that allows me to do so. I currently work directly with clients to provide personalized care as our point person for money movement, paperwork and any other needs our clients have.

I have over ten years of experience in financial services. Starting at 14, I worked at a local credit union in my hometown in various roles, between studying for school and my many sports seasons. I attended Alma College, where I studied exercise and health science and was a three-sport athlete, which led me to many opportunities outside the finance industry. My career spans research, health care, assisted living and independent living facilities programming, coaching sports, personal training, and childcare. Ultimately, I was led back to the finance industry, working in a similar role at another Metro-Detroit firm under multiple advisors before joining Verity. My experience in several fields has allowed me the opportunity to broaden my knowledge in many different areas, including finance.

Growing up in Northern Michigan, I have always loved the outdoors, but I currently enjoy living in a faster-paced community in Metro-Detroit. I am also passionate about community and philanthropic efforts. These have included volunteering with a local homeless shelter, serving on multiple boards, and helping lead multiple medical outreach teams to South Africa. I have had the privilege of traveling to South Africa on 6 of their trips.

Outside of work, I try to keep fit by exercising and doing Pilates; I also love spending time with my family and friends, playing cards and board games, traveling, hiking, boating, and going on adventures.

Who We Serve

Which Situation Sounds Like Yours? 

View Our Case Studies

Retiring Soon

Glen and Nancy

Ages 58 and 55

On the brink of a new chapter, Glen and Nancy stand at the threshold of retirement, contemplating the possibility of an early departure from their careers. With a lifetime of diligent saving under their belts, they've laid a robust financial groundwork. Now, as they gaze toward the horizon of the next 5-10 years, they're eager to refine their approach, ensuring their strategy is perfectly aligned with their vision of the future.

Suddenly Single


Age 62

Navigating a pivotal transition, Jane is reshaping her life's narrative beyond her role as a steadfast supporter of her family and their business. Amidst the complexities of divorce, she's embarking on a journey to redefine her financial landscape. Facing the unknown with resilience, Jane is not just confronting uncertainty; she's rediscovering her own ambitions and dreams for the future.

Working in Tech

Marcus & Sophia

Age 33

Young tech-savvy parents, Marcus and Sophia are on a mission to carve out a life of financial independence. Navigating the complexities of the tech industry, they're poised to harness Marcus's equity-based rewards to their full potential. Their strategy? To unlock the power of these financial assets, creating a roadmap that guides them away from the grind of the corporate world and toward their dream of freedom and flexibility.

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Together, We’ll Create Your Personal Financial Roadmap

Gain a Partner on Your Lifelong Journey

True wealth goes far beyond dollars and cents. This is why our overarching mission is to support your pursuit of a meaningful life—whatever that looks like to you. Through a systematic process, Verity helps you make purposeful financial decisions and create a strategy aligned with your passions and values.

Our Services

Comprehensive Financial Planning

Together, we’ll build a full plan that incorporates all areas of your financial life and guides you towards your goals. Before we make recommendations, we’ll get to know in detail your circumstances and the things you want to accomplish in your life.

Project-Based Financial Planning

If there’s a specific issue you need advice on, such as saving for college, buying a second home, or planning for retirement, we can help. We’ll consider all of the factors involved, develop recommendations based on your needs, and establish a game plan that’s right for you.

Investment Management

Verity will construct a portfolio based on your timeline, risk tolerance and goals. For qualified investors, we also offer access to private asset classes ranging from private equity and real estate to private credit. These investments offer non-market-correlated returns and different risk profiles.

Let’s Build Your Financial Plan

Reach out for a conversation to ask us any questions you have and explore more about how we can work together.

Schedule a Call

What It Looks Like to Work with Us

Our Process

Step 1

Explore Firm Fit

In a brief conversation, we’ll get to know each other and determine if your needs and goals match our services and process.

Step 2


If we both decide we’re a good fit, we’ll have an in-depth meeting to get to know more about what’s important to you, your current financial picture, your risk tolerance and your specific goals.

Step 3

Analyze & Plan

We go behind the scenes and determine multiple ways to achieve the financial goals established.

Step 4

Recommend & Implement

We’ll reconvene to present the options we’ve created and collaboratively determine the initial path forward. Then, we’ll prioritize action items in order of importance. Finally, we take steps to do the heavy lifting for you, implementing changes and providing follow-up until completion.

Step 5

Monitor, Evaluate & Update

We keep checking back in through quarterly investment reviews and annual / semi-annual planning conversations. As your life and circumstances change, we’ll make adjustments as necessary.

Costs to Partner with Us

Fee-Based Investment Management

Assets Under Management Annual Advisory Fee
0-$1,500,000 1.00%
$1,500,001-5,000,000 0.50%
$5,000,001-10,000,000 0.35%
$10,000,001 and above 0.25%

Financial Planning

Subscription Fees

Based on Complexity
Onboarding Fee Range
$3,000 - $5,000
Monthly Fee Range
$100 - $625

One-Time Project 
Range: $500 - $35,000, depending on the complexity and scope of the project

Connect with Us to Begin

Let’s explore working together to improve your outcomes.

Set Up Time to Chat

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Will Hullinger’s experience?

Prior to starting Verity Wealth Partners in February 2020, Will spent 15+ years in the financial services industry serving clients through public accounting, private investments (at a hedge fund) and public market investments through other registered investment advisors. In February 2020 (prior to the pandemic months to come), Will left the safe confines of a firm he very much enjoyed working at and respects to start Verity Wealth Partners. He sought to engage with individuals and families at a deeper level when managing their wealth.

As of September 2016, Will met the education, exam, experience, and ethics requirements to become a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional.

Do I need financial planning?

Would you trust a doctor who gave you a prescription, diagnosis, or surgery recommendation before a full examination? Recommending investments without analyzing your full financial situation would be just as unwise. For this reason, we believe financial planning and investing must be interconnected. 

Financial planning is an ongoing process of setting goals, organizing your finances, developing solutions, regularly reviewing progress, and making adjustments as circumstances shift. Life is full of ebbs and flows, and the markets are always moving. In a constantly evolving world, these changes must be reflected in both your investments and overall strategy. 

Is a financial advisor really necessary?

We know that our services aren’t meant for everyone. Because there are many technological capabilities available today, many people could create a financial plan and investment strategy on their own. However, the time, energy and expertise necessary to do so are not readily available to most. With rapid market changes, tax and legal conditions to consider, it is better in many cases to consult the advice of a professional.

Comprehensive financial planning is full of complexities that are made even more complicated by our behaviors. As your advisor, we will provide you with accountability to help you remain on track and keep you from making potentially catastrophic decisions. With a tailored approach, we’ll act as your financial guide as we lead you through your long-term journey. 

Why should I work with an independent advisor instead of a large brand-name firm?

The size and independence of our firm are two of our greatest strengths. They allow us the opportunity to provide tailored advice and personalized investment management to our clients. With a boutique firm, you’ll receive strategies and recommendations that are unbiased and truly in your best interest. Without commissions or sales programs, we strive to provide advice that we would take ourselves. 

And further, working with us means you are known. We get to know who you are, what matters to you, and what your situation is. There’s no need to re-explain your situation because you’ll never be handed off to multiple people. We are committed, constant and personally here for you in an ever-changing world.

What is your investment philosophy?

It’s impossible to predict the future, which is why we choose to partner with our clients to design a portfolio that instead reflects their interests. From risk tolerance and time horizon to investment objectives and financial planning goals, we’ll determine where you are now and what you’d like to achieve from your portfolio. 

Markets are simply unpredictable, so instead of attempting to beat them we work with you to cope with volatility and feel confident in your investment plan. 

Is Verity a fiduciary, and what exactly does that mean?

Verity Wealth Partners acts as a fiduciary in all aspects of planning and client relationships. We take this standard seriously and with the designation of CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™, Will upholds a personal and professional code of ethics when working with clients. Our commitment is to acting with integrity and in a manner that is in the best interest of our clients—at all times. 

Being a fiduciary means placing your interests above our own. And, while this may sound obvious, not all advisors are required to do so. For example, commission-based financial advisors and stockbrokers are held to a different standard than those of us who are fiduciaries. We do not receive outside commissions or payments, aiding in the opportunity to provide impartial and honest advice. 

Who is a good client fit?

Simply put, we work well with kind people. We believe that life is too short to work with individuals who maintain a negative outlook, which is why our clientele is largely made up of those who are kind.

If you are someone who is willing to work hard to create, preserve and transfer your wealth to the next generation, we invite you to connect with us. Our team looks forward to partnering in your wealth journey.

Are you location-dependent?

The 2020 pandemic has proven that the ability to connect in a highly engaged way is not only possible but enjoyable—no matter where you are in the country. Located in Detroit, we provide services to clients throughout the greater metro area and across the United States. If your situation requires in-person connection due to the complexity of your situation, we are willing to travel to accommodate a more personal and deeper client experience.

Do you have a minimum account size?

With a fee-only approach to financial planning, we’re able to work with anyone, regardless of account size. Our fees are charged based on the complexity of your circumstances and tailored to meet your long-term needs. We truly value transparency and while we have yet to connect with someone who valued our services and could not afford them, you can feel confident that we will discuss fee details in depth.  

What if I already work with an advisor?

Our goal is not to persuade you to leave a beneficial advisor relationship. If you’re currently working with a fiduciary, then you’re likely in good hands. However, second opinions can be invaluable and we’re happy to offer our perspective surrounding your financial situation. If we discover something that could be better optimized, we will share it with you to either take back to your current advisor or allow us to address it for you. 

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Interested in Working Together?

Whether you have a few questions or would like to begin our planning process, we encourage you to get in touch. Feel free to schedule a time that works for your schedule or fill out the form, and we’ll be in touch.

Verity Wealth Partners

2937 E. Grand Blvd.

Detroit, MI 48202


By Appointment 


